Journal Entry Reversal Module


The Journal Entry Reversal Module for Deltek Vision is a custom module that gives you the ability to reverse journal entries while maintaining a full historical record of the transactions.

If your firm uses the journal entries or cash disbursement transactions types frequently, you may need to reverse or cancel them from time to time. Instead of unposting, correcting and re-posting, which could create problems, especially in prior periods, use a reversing entry containing the same transactions as the file needing correction, but with opposite values.

Our Journal Entry Reversal Module does the job of creating a “reversal” file for you, effectively canceling it out, so you can create a new one that is correct, but keep a clean historical record of what was done in the first place.

Currently the reversal tool only supports certain transaction types but we will be adding more as our clients request them.

Journal Entry Reversal Module

For More Info:

If you would like someone from the Version X Solutions team to contact you drop us an e-mail at [email protected]