by Kevin Coles | Jul 24, 2015 | Deltek Vision
Overview: This post is about a project I finished earlier this year for a client that was about to embark on a very large environmental project in the oil and gas sector. Their client had some very specific reporting requirements that could not be met with standard...
by Kevin Coles | Jan 25, 2013 | Deltek Vision
Overview I get a lot of questions around Project Numbering in Vision, questions like: what are best practices? what is a good numbering format? what are the limitations? how do I create custom auto numbers? Many of the questions around project numbering don’t...
by Kevin Coles | Sep 7, 2012 | Deltek Vision
We all know Vision has an impressive arsenal of standard reports which can be configured in an astounding number of ways, but in my 7+ years of supporting the product and helping to develop standardized reports for both clients and companies I’ve worked for,...
by Kevin Coles | Sep 4, 2012 | Deltek Vision
One of the most common “wish list” items we hear from Vision users is: “Can’t Vision set up my project file folder when I take out a new project?” Really what we’re talking about here is a small piece of “Process...